Pyrenean Symposium on Snow and Avalanches – V snow and avalanches workshop

Pyrenean Symposium on Snow and Avalanches – V snow and avalanches workshop
Ordino, Andorra.
9th – 11th October 2017


The Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, Institute of Andorran Studies, Observatory for the Sustainability of Andorra, Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Aran General Council are delighted to announce the holding of a new edition of the Snow and Avalanches Workshop. This workshop will provide a meeting venue for both professionals and non-professionals interested in the study of snow and avalanches. The 2017 edition will be devoted to the following thematic blocks: – Weather forecasting – Snow and hydric resources – Climate change – Avalance forecasting – Avalanche mapping – Avalanche dynamics – Prevention and protection – Safety and mountain activities – Education

Soil degradation Risk Workshop: Practical Guidance for Developing Plans to Manage Soil Degradation Risk in Forestry

PLASENCIA, Cáceres, Spain

28th June 2017


Transnational training workshops aim to exchange know-how about forest risk management between partners and associated partners of the PLURIFOR project.

This soil degradation workshop for the development of plans to manage soil degradation risk intends to gather practical advice and examples to assist PLURIFOR partners in planning and writing the plan itself.

Experts will present real examples on how to proceed at every stage of the plan (prevention, early warning, management of the crisis and rehabilitation). This will provide PLURIFOR partners with the required step-by-step expertise to develop a soil degradation risk management plan.

Furthermore, these experts will be invited to engage with the PLURIFOR partners in the review process of the risk management plans that are produced, thus ensuring a feasible and sound end product, the main output of PLURIFOR.

If you are a forest policy maker, a forest service agent, a forest practitioner or a forest owners associations agent, you are welcome to attend this workshop in order to learn from practical cases covering all steps of a soil degradation risk management plan. You will also be able to exchange your concerns and expectations on soil degradations with experts and with PLURIFOR partners.

For the detailed programme and registration, click here

Planned Exchange of Experts (EoE Forest) and FRISK related activities

March 2017: Trans-border training workshop of vegetation fire management, fire effects and determining cause and origin of wildfires. This workshop will train and empower fire managers as well as fire fighters to understand fire better. Location UK-IRL, resource persons and specialists from Germany, South Wales and Catalonia will deliver input.

summary of the event