TASK A – Project management and reporting to the EU Commission

The aim of Task A is to ensure the correct coordination, management and execution of the project, to promote a smooth, regular and efficient communication between the partners from the different countries involved, and to guarantee the fulfilment of all the tasks and objectives in accordance to the established schedule.

It will also ensure the monitoring and evaluation of the actions, ensuring the correct and transparent financial execution of the project budget, and facilitating the communication of the project’s progress to the European Commission.

The partners will be advised when needed by the Lead Partner to make sure that EU rules are fully understood and respected.


  • A1. Project organizational set-up and monitoring


  • Project management and monitoring plan
  • Minutes of the coordination meetings
  • Progress reports

TASK B – Risk assessment and management operational tools and best practices identification pre-assessment

The main objective of Task B is to identify the best practices and existing operational tools for risk assessment and management, in order to fix the state of the art in each thematic knowledge field and therefore ensure a common baseline for all risks analysed.

The revision and selection of the most relevant information would feed the pre-assessment preparation meeting, where all the information will be analysed in detail with the purpose of determine the technical pre-conditions existing for each risk knowledge, and detecting the potential interactions between risks.

Nevertheless, the meeting will be the initial scenario to define, according to this knowledge pre-existent, the work frame of the 2 workshops and its specific contents.

All in all, Task B will provide the bases to harmonize the development and content of actions and results to achieve in Task C.


  • B.1. Identification of risk assessment and management operational tools and best practices
  • B.2. Information pre-assessment preparation meeting


  • Reports on tools and best practices on risk planning and management for fire, storms, floods and avalanches
  • Minutes of the risk information pre-assessment meeting

TASK C – Cross-cutting lessons learned and risk interaction assessment towards improving disaster management cycle

The main objective of Task C is to analyse the different forest risks (wildfire, storms, avalanche and floods) and to identify the present and potential interactions between them into a climate change context, as well as how these interactions should be conducted from the risk management point of view, into all stages of the disaster risk management cycle and the risk reduction strategies.

Therefore, the assessment will be done at two levels; Per each risk, assessing what has been learnt and what could be learnt from other risks and; Per interactions between risk, concerning how are different risks connected and how be more efficient managing them when interacts.

Assessment outcomes will be organised in a systematic way considering common cross-sectorial topics regarding risk assessment and planning and risk governance and management. The transfer of the existing information and the lessons learned from each forest risk knowledge field would be shared by means of experience exchange and workshops which will allow the connections and exchange of expertise between many risk experts of Europe. Of special interest is the interaction and linkage between disturbances and the exchange between the specific experts.


  • C.1. Transverse risk assessment on wildfire, storms, floods and avalanches risk
  • C.2. Assessing crosslink risk interactions in a climate change context
  • C.3. Organization of learning and experience sharing Workshops on risk planning, governance and management towards resilient landscapes and societies


  • Report per risk assessment; What we have learned and what we can learned from other risks? The case of fire, storms, floods and avalanche risks
  • Report on risks interactions in a climate change context all across EU. The case of fire, storms, floods and avalanche risks
  • Proceedings of the 1st Risk knowledge exchange workshop
  • Proceedings of the 2nd Risk knowledge exchange workshop

TASK D – Development of modular forest risk repository platforms and networks

Task D has the focus of establishing modular regional knowledge repository platforms and networks, or “nodes”, in the frame of the Risk Facility initiative, in order to ensure effective interaction between research, policy and practices around forests risk at European, regional and local level. These nodes are representing a risk management network that is defined either by the same geographical region or the same language. The network nodes combine all risk expertise in the region and are in contact and mutual exchange with other nodes via the pan-European facilitating secretariat, as outlined in detail in the FRISK GO business plan. That approach ensures that the various risks are not dealt with in silos but the inter-risk exchange and interlink and conditioning between disturbances are effectively happening.

This task of the project will support the establishment of a two level organisational model; The pan-European level and the regional nodes. Namely the regional nodes and an overarching function between the thematic nodes (for instance, local expert network on wildfires) but even more between the various risks and its related factors and effects. They represent “network nodes” within and for the forest and risk community.


  • D.1. Development of a pan-European secretariat
  • D.2. Development regional forest risk nodes
  • D.3. Development of multi-level risk knowledge repository and exchange platform (RISKPlatform prototype)


  • Report with recommendations and experiences on facilitating cooperation and risk management
  • Report with the description of the forest risks regional networks developed
  • Prototype of multi-level risk platform, using social media, expert database and exchange and discussion forum

TASK E – Project publicity

This task aims to ensure the efficient, coherent and broad communication and dissemination of the project’s activities and results, at the local, regional, national, European and international scales.

The communication efforts will be addressed to the potential end-users, in order to maximize the impacts of the project. Communication actions will also enhance networking activities, synergies and will generate new collaborations and cross-border projects in Europe.

This task includes the edition of the final Book of Guidelines with the summary of the maim outcomes and recommendations of the project development.


  • E.1. Project communication and dissemination outcomes
  • E.2. Creation and maintenance of the project website
  • E.3. Edition of a Book of guidelines for improving risk management adapting to the future impacts of climate change
  • E.4. Edition of the Layman’s report


  • NET RISK WORK Communication Plan
  • Compilation of dissemination actions outcomes (roll-ups, posters, press releases, articles, presentations, etc.)
  • NET RISK WORK Website
  • Guidelines for improving risk management adapting to future impacts of climate change all across Europe. The case of fire, storms, floods and avalanche risks
  • Layman’s report available on the website