Summary: This presentation contains the state of the art regarding the main challenges and constrains identified in the case of Catalonia, in integrating wildfire risk into spatial and urban planning, as it is already done in other risks such as floods or avalanches, in order to put the focus on the risk prevention instead of the risk response.

Summary: The presentation exposes a review of  the flood risk management story of the Netherlands, with acronology of the main flood risk protection policies that have been adopted, from the dam contructions to the social involvement to increase resilience . This case is a good example of the social and policy needs to be adapted to risk.

Summary: The hydraulic system in Sardinia is taking into account the Drought risk. This presentation summarizes the main objectives, practices, policies and methodologies about the complex water system of the island, to face future severe drought events and all its social and economic consecuencies.

Summary: This presentation contains the main concepts and indicators for doing a cost-effectiveness approach of flood risk mitigation measures in Sardinia; a detailed example of application in the Mediterranean that could be useful for comparing with other EU contexts.