Using Strategic Narratives to Help Integrate Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Reduction

26th – 27th October 2017 – Brussels (Belgium)

Representatives of the NET RISK WORK project has attended in a two days workshop in the frame of PLACARD interchange project, on “Using strategic narratives to help integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR)”. During the workshop many methods and approaches were tested for the development and use of strategic narratives to integrate  CCA and DRR communities. One more chance to meeting multiple knowledge domains and exchanging lessons as a poweful tools when facing with complexity and uncetaintly.


1st NET RISK WORK Workshop: Managing forest risks towards disaster reduction: the case of wildfires, storms, floods and avalanches and their interactions

4th – 6th October 2017 – Solsona (Spain)

A three days workshop has been held in Solsona in the framework of the NET RISK WORK project, by the hand of catalan partner Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC).

Tha main goal of the workshop was to group risk experts from different European regions, in order to exchange and discuss all their knowledge and experienses in dealing with the four major natural risks affecting the european forest (storms, forest fires, snow avalanches and floods) and their potential interaction in a climate change context. A total of 45 experts represented 10 diferent european countries,  coming from Switzerland, Andorra, Germany, France, Lithuania, Bulagria, UK, the Netherlands, Italy and Catalonia.
To complement the office work and focus groups, two field trips were conducted to specificaly analyze the forest fire risk management and a second visit focus on floods and flash floods risk management in Catalonia. Both visits were located in Montserrat mountains and its souroundings, a typical Mediterranean region affected by multiples risks and interactions.

The results of the workshop and all the contents are available here.

Preliminar NET RISK WORK Workshop: Networking for risk management from theory to practice

9th to 11th May 2017 – Freiburg (Germany)

A three days workshop has been held in Freiburg in the framework of the NET RISK WORK project, by the hand of German partner Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA).

Tha main goal of the meeting was to set up the theoretical basis for developing a robust network aiming to deal with natural hazards and risk culture. A special focus on risk perception and the social factor was figured out, as well as the needs to join efforts and perform the sharing of knowledge amongs all the stakeholdres dealing with forest risk.
To complement the office work, two field trips were conducted  to specificaly analyze the floods risk management into the Rhine basin, having visited the Flood Forecast Centre (HZV) located in Karlsruhe and the Weir and Control Centre of Kehl. Regarding the second study case, a visit to the black forest was organized to see how sever wind storms are threatening large forests lands and the different measures adopted to increase the forest resilience.

The results and contents of the workshop are available here.

NET RISK WORK kick-off meeting

8th – 9th February 2017 – Barcelona (Catalonia)

A two days working meeting of the NET RISK WORK consortium held in Barcelona at the EFIMED facilities in Sant Pau Recinte Modernista, to start up the project NET RISK WORK. We have had a strong quorum covering all the natural hazards analized through the project, by means of each project partner and its expert knowledge.

A pleasure new working programme with EFI and FVA german collagues, EPLFM reasearch french institution, Civil Protection from Sardinia, Pau Costa Foundation and Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia.


Spanish National Civil Protection annual meeting

January 2017 – Madrid (Spain)

NET RISK WORK project has been presented in the annual Civil Protection meeting held in Madrid, in order to transfer the lessons learned on the EU DG-ECHO funded projects management. All participants could share experiences on this specific call and exchange needs and opportunities to increase the capacity to face the risk management challenges along EU region on the up-coming years.


DG-ECHO kick-off meeting: 2016 Prev & Prep selected projects

18th January, 2017 – Brussels (Belgium)

The project Networking for the European Forest Risk Facility initiative (NET RISK WORK) was presented officially at the DG-ECHO facilities, as one of the 26 projects funded by the call 2016 on projects on preparedness and prevention projects in civil protection and marine pollution under the European Union Civil Protection.

During the meeting, the attendants could visit the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and meet other researcher and professionals working in the field of hazards and civil protection interests.

More info can be found here.